Monday, July 6, 2020

It's been a while.....

Well it has been sometime since I've gotten on this blog and posted something. Right now are very trying times and I know I am struggling to face each day as I should as a christian. My heart isn't taking the hate coming in very well, when I know my heart is in the right place. So lately I've had to really try hard to. I've had a lot of people ask questions of me as well. Finding the right answers has been hard and some people just don't understand how I can still be so nice to people in the mist of the chaos that is taking over the united states. 

Daily Bible Verse on Twitter: "“Love your enemies! Do good to them ...

This has been one verse that has really stuck out to me as whole and I'm so thankful to have found it. When i live by this it actually confuses them, it throws them off and they just can't seem to understand why I continue to show them kindness and love. As Christians we are taught to love. All through the Bible we see this message, and yet to many are responding to the hate with more anger an animosity. In fact earlier in Luke 6 it even goes as far to tell us to pray for those people!

Pin on J E S U S ♡

I know I struggle with loving everyone who has ever wronged me and I know I am guilty of thinking these people don't deserve these things from me. But as living examples of God's love it is our responsibility to be that light even when we just feel angry.

light #shine #others #good #deeds #glorify #Father #Heaven ...

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