Sunday, February 3, 2019

The Pursuit of God: Chapter 1


            In this chapter, there was a lot of touching on how God should be the one who satisfies our every need. Though the chapter started out with talking about how God seeks us before we can seek God. God seeks us and sends that desire to us, the desire to fill ourselves with the spirit. God is the driving force that pushes us to seek him. The whole relationship between God and servant is love. Our love for God and his love for us. This is shown by us following the call to follow and take him in.
            Finding God and following him is really what love is. As followers, we show love to God and he will show us the ways to make our paths straight in his will. There is actually a simplicity that we fail to see if following God. We try to make it this complicated thing and it makes it hard to attain. All the activities and things we do in this world can not satisfy the need we have like God can. We simply need to set everything aside and approach him. We are coming to him to impress him, we are here to worship him and talk with him, learn about him. Whoever keeps God close to him as something precious has all he needs in life.


            When looking over the chapter, I really think Tozer has a point. I am a fan of Tozer’s writing and have always taken some valuable lessons away from it.  Seeing where I stand when I am openly listening and surrendered to God. It is so easy to get lost in what the world has to offer and forget what God has to offer when things are open to making you feel good for a temporary time. We tend to get lost and in the complexity of life and also tend to make God more complicated than he actually needs to be. There is no substitute for God, but the world can make it seem like anything can be one.  I know that the world can sweep people away easily and we can forget that all we have in this world will go away one day. Seeking after God in his word and prayer and all around us after he has taught us is really what can satisfy a heart after God’s.

What I Have Learned:

I have learned that God calls to us and then we seek after him, only after that can we begin to seek and see him and his will for our lives. Using this is a good way to convey a call to worship and live for Christ in all aspects of life. 

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