Sunday, February 24, 2019

The Pursuit of God: Chapter 8


Our crazy moral displacement is where our despairs come from and disturbs our relationship with God. Salvation is the repair of our relationship with God. This is what brings us back to what our relationship with God should be. (creator-creature) When we experience this change in our spiritual lives we will find complete contentment. This needs to be done within the consciousness of the sinner and experienced. This change needs to change the whole nature of the sinner. Looking at God is a good way for us to get a hold on where we should be moral with Him. He is our sun and we are the sailor. We are only standing correctly in our moral standing when we are looking at God. Lots of Christians struggle with this because we are unwilling to really take our lives to the next level with God and surrender. We need to make the adjustments that are required in our lives to live this way. When we accept God as he is then we can start on the right foot with him. In that, we also learn to love him for what he is. Before anything else, after everything else and above all is God. He will always be first in any order of anything thing.

When it comes to what we can give God, he deserves everything and anything we can give him. When we give him less than what he deserves we are sure to find grief. When we are willing to put God above all else and completely surrender our lives to Him, who deserves all is when we are finally right with God. When we finally break away from worldly living is a direct sign that we have changed our lives in the way of Creator-Creature relationship. This is the true to test of what He means to us. Not all are willing to give up everything to lift God up to where he belongs in their lives. When we are reluctant we need to remember you are either serving God or sin, you can not serve both. When you surrender to God you are giving up a slave driver and taking up a yoke that is easy to carry. We can only feel at home with God because that is where we are created. Jesus is the ultimate example of how we are to give ourselves to God.


When it comes to how we live our lives it really chalks up to God and how we view him in our lives. We are either all in or not in at all. God has to be first and there has to be a full submission in our relationship with him. God is our creator and he created us to worship Him in all we do. If we cannot do that we are living for ourselves and not for Him. We begin to find comfort in other things when we need to find comfort in Him and Him alone. What other way did Jesus find comfort in his life as he was living for his heavenly father when he was persecuted and nailed to a cross to die and bare our sins and to repair that relationship for all of us to have a chance to be in heaven with God.

What I Have Learned:

I have learned that I need to learn how to put God first, by following and spending more time with him. I can do this by making sure I make him a constant priority in my life and making sure I keep up with my studies and digging into his work and praying.

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