Sunday, February 24, 2019

The Pursuit of God: Chapter 9


When we look at the world around us we really do not see anything that represents the things that Jesus teaches us in the sermon on the mount. The virtues taught seem to be lacking in the world we live in. We see a lot of pride in the world we live which goes against the meekness we should see. We live in a world full of it, everywhere you look it is there. When Jesus spoke the things he did, what he said was extremely important to the way we live. Jesus was not just saying what he thought was right. Because he was who he was, he was always certain what he was speaking was the truth. In fact, what he spoke was the truth. What he said was supported by greater things than we know and we should listen to his words. When Jesus talks about the burden man carries he is talking far deeper than the physical burden. He is talking about spiritual and emotional burden as well. All of man carries the burden and when Jesus uses that word he is talking about the exhaustive burden. When we stop what we are doing and carrying, that is when we find the rest that Jesus is talking about.

The burden we have can take a toll on us from inside. It is not just physical. We do not have to bear this exhaustive burden and when we focus everything of God, that is when the burden is taken and we are able to rest. This is meekness. Most of the time when we think meek, we think weak and that is not the case at all. One who is meek can be strong. There is no burden holding them down. This is when we are right with God and we have accepted to take the yoke that has been offered to us, instead of carrying it alone. God is everything and we are nothing without him. When we walk in meekness, we are letting God take care of us. There is no struggle to defend ourselves. When this happens we are also delivered from things sin makes us think. We always want to impress. We want to make sure what we have is good enough for people to like us. With God that does not matter anymore. Our world is full of pride and pretense and the only way out of that and to meekness is through God. Letting him take care of it.


When reading it really got me looking at my life and how I have grown since I have come back to really wanting to follow God. When I was not invested in following, I wanted to take care of everything myself and it was exhausting. I was tired and always worrying about what would happen next. But now I find myself relying on God a whole lot more. Noting is more relaxing than knowing that God has this and he will always be there to take care of things. He will bring rest for those who focus on him.

What I Have Learned:

I have learned that it takes putting full faith and investment in God to really see what he wants from you and that through putting full faith in Him, he will bring peace of mind to your struggles and restlessness. This is where I will continue what I’m doing and let God drive and I will continue to worship him and stop trying to impress those around me because God is what matters.

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