Wednesday, February 20, 2019

The Pursuit of God: Chapter 6


In this Chapter Tozer touches on the fact that God’s nature is to speak and communicate with us. God is always speaking to us and through his word. He never stopped. When we think of God speaking we need to keep in mind that it does not mean the Bible. When God speaks he speaks the structure of all things, He can speak things into creation, He can speak things into happening. The Bible is the written word of God and is just that due to its nature of being ink and paper. It is really limited in that way. When we see the word of God written in the bible it can have power because it parallels Gods words in the world. God has a voice that can fill the entire world. This voice was here even before the bible was, it is what spoke the entire world into being and created man.
We need to remember that God is speaking and we need to remember that this is what backs up all other things that relate to God. God didn’t write the bible. God spoke the bible. God is constantly speaking and speaking to us through all things. His speaking is what is constantly putting power into his Word. The example is God-breathed on clay and created man and God breathed on man and created clay. This example showed that mankind path due to the fall of man. We are born and return to the earth. When we hear the word of God it lights our hearts. When the word is heard there is not running from it. God is invisible and all the He is said in his spoken word. Back during the time of the ancient Hebrews the voice of God was said to be wisdom. His voice was said to be everywhere sounding and looked through the earth. God’s voice wants a response from us. The response we give to the voice of God is spiritual. It is an imploring response.  Though today it seems we have trained ourselves not to hear it. When it comes to hearing the voice of God and trying to describe it, it seems we have always gone about a natural way of doing so. Thunder is often used to do so. We have also begun to look at God in a scientific manner instead of worshipping and adoring manner because we live in world of secularism. God's voice is a friendly one unless we have chosen not to listen to it. If someone will listen to what the voice of God has to say, you will hear it. Listening though is not a popular option in today's religious choices. The bible will always be a book until we believe that God speaks in his creation. Lots of people tend to think that the only place God can speak is through the bible. God is not silent.

            When we try to make it so we think we can only hear God through the bible we miss things that God can try to speak to us through our quiet time with him. God speaks so through his creation and us. Once we can hear his voice we will be able to hear him through his written word which is the spoken word of God. Waiting to hear God is a way for us to be more intimate with God by hearing him.

What I Have Learned:

I have learned that we need to really be more aware of what God is saying and not look at things from a secular point of view. I will do my best to really try and look at things from a trying listen to God. 

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