Tuesday, February 19, 2019

The Pursuit of God: Chapter 5


In this chapter Tozer talks about divine immanence. This is basically the topic of how God dwells in his own world. This is not to be confused with pantheism. All this means is that God is here with us, wherever we are, always. No one is farther or closer to God in the world, he is the same distance from everyone. God is the cause of everything. Without God, there would be no matter. No mind and no law. He is the beginning of all things. Most do not know that God is here with us on earth, near and close to us. If we were aware of his closeness here on earth it would change everything in how we view God.

God is here and we are not completely aware of his existence here. His presence is always here. He is manifested when we are aware of his presence and acknowledge him as here with us on earth, everywhere. When it comes to this there must be a complete surrender to see God manifest. Only then will he show us all of him. When this happens God will reveal that he is and what he is just like he did with Moses. When we pursue God, this is when he successfully manifests himself to us. When we realize God this is us seeing God coming from a distance. When Good approaches our souls God is not on separate terms. There is no distance. God is closer to our souls than anything else. God has the same will for all his children. He has no favorites. When we see differences in each other as followers of God, the difference is not with God, but within ourselves. We see the difference. God does not. When we see the greats who moved movements in Christian history the one thing they all had in common was the spiritual response to God. God’s sovereignty is let by all. We need to stop living in the quick pay off society mindset is we are to truly listen to the spirit. We all copy each other and do not live for ourselves in our relationship with Christ. Each of us is different. We need to be determined to hear God, follow biblical ways and repent to break from the mold.


When looking at what Tozer said, I know sometimes I get lost in God’s creation forgetting that he is actually here among us. Though there is a barrier between us on a physical sense there is not one between God and our souls.  God knows us far more intimately than we know ourselves. He wants to reveal himself to us through our obedience to him. We live in a time where we just go with the flow and follow what everyone else is doing, we need to listen to God and follow where he leads. Be aware of his words and know each of us is different and his plans for our lives are different.

What I Have Learned:

I need to be wholly aware of God’s presence here on earth and be always ready to listen to him. I will take time to really spend time with God, more so than I do now and let him manifest himself to me when he chooses too. 

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